Hi!! My name is Katlin Lybrook and I am a Early Childhood and Special Education major at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. My 21st Century Classroom is a project for my Teaching with Technology class. This project is to show what I would like my future teaching career to be like. I have always wanted to be a teacher at the elementary school that I attended.
My Classroom:
I teach at Neason Hill Elementary School. It is located in Meadville, Pennsylvania in the Crawford County School District. The school teaches grades from Kindergarten to sixth grade. I teach fourth grade and I have 20 students in my classroom.
I believe that having an organized classroom is very important for teachers, as well as the students. I decided to put my teacher desk and computer in the back corner of the room so that it is out of the way of my students. I chose to have a "classroom library." I did this so that my students are able to relax on beanbag chairs and read silently in a secluded area by a window that lets in natural light. I put my students desks in a U-shape because I think that it is important for the students to interact with each other while learning. Also, it is easy for the students to look at me and pay attention while I am instructing. Having a round table in the back of the classroom is for me to meet with a small group or just one student at a time. I believe that my students will enjoy the layout and organization of my classroom.
Here is a picture that I created of my 21st Century Classroom.

Assistive Technology:
This is Johnathan Smith. He is one of my students, and just so happens to have a disability. He has a hearing impairment. There are some assistive technologies that we use in the classroom to help him.
Johnathan wears a hearing aid to help hear better. While watching videos in the classroom, we use closed captioning.
Annotated Bibliography:
"Assistive Technology for Hearing Impaired Students". Axistive. 2007. 12/03/2012. < http://www.axistive.com/assistive-technology>
"The Teaching Channel". 2012. 12/03/2012. < https://www.teachingchannel.org/ >
"Classroom Architect". 2008. 12/01/2012. < http://classroom.4teachers.org/ >
I believe that throughout this semester in my Teaching with Technology class, I have learned so much that is going to help me as a future teacher. I have really pushed myself into having an open mind about creating a blog, a twitter account, and many other things. I never realized how useful these tools can be. Being able to share your ideas with others, and having others share their ideas with you is a great tool. I learned so much in this class. It made me realize that it is important to keep up on the constantly changing technology. I believe that my students will really appreciate that I am up to date with all of the technology. I am definitely willing to learn about the new technologies that will be coming in our future. Throughout this experience I learned that you have to be patient when it comes to learning something new. It may be confusing at first, but it comes in pretty handy once you get the hang of it.
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