Flipped learning is actually reversing homework with the in class work. Homework can be very challenging for students. They may not be able to understand how to do the assignment and will probably have questions. Instead of giving students a lecture during class time, have that be the homework. The next day the students are able to ask the teacher questions while they are doing the assignment. Also, as stated in the video below the teacher can be in the center of the classroom interacting with the students instead of upfront lecturing the whole class period. Flipped learning will give the students responsibility. If they did not review the material the night before then they will not be able to understand what the assignment or class lecture is that day in class.
Although Flipped Learning may be very successful in Middle and High Schools, it is not so easy in Elementary Schools. Recommendations have been made for flipping Elementary School classrooms. It may be more successful if just a lesson is flipped and not the whole class. Also, make sure the students have access to Internet so they are able to watch the video. The video should be short enough so that the students are able to pay full attention. The younger the students are the shorter the video should be.
I believe that flipped learning could be very helpful in the classroom. Instead of having students struggle at home while trying to accomplish their homework, they would be able already have learned about the topic at home and then come to school the next day with questions ready for the teacher while they do their assignment. This is a very good video explaining flipped learning and how useful and convenient it is.
Personally, I think this is a great idea. I would love to give flipped learning a try in my future classroom.
Check out this website for more information on flipped learning.
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