Thursday, August 30, 2012

Important to me

Easier for students to pay attention in a colorful classroom.
When I was in elementary school I hated that we had white walls.  It was so boring for all of us students.  It was hard for us to pay attention.  When I am a teacher I was to have colorful walls and fun exciting things in the room.  I want my students to pay attention and not get side tracked.


  1. I agree! I can't stand white walls either. I think bringing color into the classroom helps motivate students to want to learn.

  2. Colors are a must in a classroom with small children! Great idea!

  3. Your pictures are great on your blog. It immediately grabbed my attention! I agree, no one likes a bare classroom without color! It's just boring!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I am personally more comfortable in a bright, cheery classroom and it feels more welcoming.
