Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Experiencing Group

In my Teaching with Technology class we were assigned a 21st Century Research Group Project.  We had to create an interactive presentation without using PowerPoint.  My group decided to examine the changes of classrooms and teaching styles from the 18th Century to the 21st Century.  There was four of us in the group, so we each took one century to research. 

We decided to use Google Docs.  This was a very interesting and convient way for my group to work on our paper from our own homes.  We could each type our own section of the paper while someone else was typing theirs.  I could see when everyone was typing becuase it would have each of their names in a different color.  Also, if we didn't like what someone wrote, we could leave a comment and they would see it next time they logged onto Google Docs.   For our interactive presentation my group decided to use Prezi.  Prezi is a very organized but yet fun way to present.  I had no idea how to use Prezi at first, but after playing around it was pretty easy and fun to create. 

By doing this project, I  learned many things that I will definitely use in my future classroom. 

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is very to the point, which is nice. It's easy to read and very colorful. Your information from your presentation was interesting as well. I also like that your pictures are from Google Docs and Prezi. I did that on my blog as well. :]
